More Wand Tricks
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Coin-Wand: Appearing Coin
You show both hands emptyexcept for the wand. You show your left hand then your right hand. You close your left hand into a fist. Tap the fist with your wand then open your hand to show a quarter in your palm.

to set up you will need some clear scotch tape. make a loop with the sticky side out loose enough to fit on the wand so that it can slide on the wand easily (fig 1 and 2 and 3).

figure 1

figure 2

figure 3

Hold the wand in your right hand like in figure 4 (this is fromyour view...make sure you don't tilt you hand for the audience to see nor let anyone behind you where they can see.)

figure 4
Show your left hand empty. Now you are going to show your right hand empty. With the left hand reach in behind the wand/coin and take them from the right hand. Then show the right hand empty.

figure 5
Next, with the right hand take the wand back from left hand but this time hold the coin bakc and let the right hand just take the wand.(figure 6 and 7)

figure 6

figure 7

Close the left hand into a fist and then tap it with the wand. Roll your fist over and open it. The tape will help the coin stick to your palm so the coin will be face up (tape side dowm). When the tape is new it will be stiff and may lift the coin slightly off your palm. If you push down on the coin with your left thumb it will hold it down. Or if you cup your palm slightly it will appear to be just lying on your palm.

figure 8

figure 9

Static Wand: Wand on hand

Ealier you learned how to make a coin stay on your hand using your other hand's finger or with string, or with another wand stick behind it. With this one it is just your hand and a wand. A little hand muscle is used too.

Real simple. The picture above shows an exagerated view of what's happening. You are going to place the wand at the extreme tips of your fingers. Your index and pinky are going to push on the wand as your two middle fingers are pulling in on it. The outward and inward pressure keeps the wand at your fingure tips. Start off like the exaerated picture and slowly move it out a bit each time until you can get the wand looking like or better than the first picture above. Once you can get it looking good then you can rotate you hand and show it from all looks wild.

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